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In late January 2024, the DOE’s CMI convened for its Annual Meeting in Ames, Iowa. As attendees, we at OLI Systems were privileged to be part of this gathering, marking a significant milestone in our decade-long partnership with CMI. With a fresh 5-year, $1 million contract extension under our belts, the meeting set the stage for collaboration and innovation in the realm of critical materials research.

Expanding Horizons: Collaboration and Innovation

CMI, now in its third phase, has grown into a robust ecosystem encompassing 70 institutions, including 36 new members spanning National Labs, universities, and industry partners. The meeting served as a melting pot of ideas, bringing together leaders from the Department of Energy, academia, and industry.

OLI Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Andre Anderko led a tutorial session on thermodynamic modeling, captivating over 50 technical experts and sparking fruitful conversations. 

Insights Driving Action: Key Learnings and Market Implications

  1. National Priority Shift: Critical Materials has ascended to new heights of national priority, with substantial investments on the horizon from the Department of Energy, signaling a commitment to sustainability.
  2. Collaboration at its Core: We embraced diverse collaboration opportunities, engaging with stakeholders across the spectrum to exchange ideas and promote technological advancements. The trend towards domestic recovery and recycling of critical materials is gaining traction.
  3. Commercial Strategy: Productive discussions with potential clients and existing partners paved the way for strategic alliances and future growth opportunities.
  4. Strategic Initiatives: From cross-government collaborations to congressional caucuses, avenues for expanded engagement abound. Anticipation mounts for upcoming national lab initiatives aimed at enhancing rare-earth element processing capabilities.
  5. Research Frontiers: Explorations into rare earth separation, lithium technologies, and critical materials recovery from unconventional sources opened doors for potential collaborations and new product developments.

Charting Our Course: Implications for OLI

  1. Market Insights: The meeting offered invaluable insights into emerging market needs, particularly in sustainability, guiding our focus towards innovative solutions.
  2. Product Development: Identifying opportunities in hydro-metallurgical recovery, with liquid-liquid extraction taking center stage in our product roadmap.
  3. Onshoring Opportunities: The trend towards onshoring critical materials production presents a significant avenue for growth and innovation.
  4. Vertical Expansion: With critical materials gaining traction across industries, we are poised to explore opportunities in sectors like semiconductors, fertilizers, and chemicals.
  5. Research Partnerships: Collaborating with leading academic institutions in critical materials research, we are primed to delve into novel areas such as solar panel component recycling and advanced solvent extraction processes.

In Conclusion

The CMI Annual Meeting was not just a gathering; it was a mechanism for innovation and collaboration. For OLI, it provided a roadmap for navigating the evolving landscape of critical materials research and commercial endeavors. As we embark on this journey, armed with insights and partnerships, we are poised to shape the future of sustainable materials processing.

Stay tuned as we continue to unlock the potential of critical materials, driving progress and sustainability forward.