First-principles corrosion simulation software

Address the causes of aqueous corrosion by identifying its mechanistic reasons

OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer predicts the rates of general corrosion, propensity of alloys to undergo localized corrosion, depletion profiles of heat-treated alloys and the thermodynamic stability of metals and alloys. Allowing users to take informed action to mitigate or eliminate risk.


Corrosion analysis with comprehensive thermophysical and electrochemical modules

The thermophysical module calculates the aqueous solution speciation and obtains concentrations, activities, and transport properties of the reacting species. The electrochemical module simulates partial oxidation and reduction processes on the metal surface. Corrosion Analyzer reproduces the active-passive transition and the effects of solution species on passivity. Effects of temperature, pressure, pH, concentration and velocity on corrosion are included.

Thermophysical module

The thermophysical module accurately predicts component speciation in aqueous solutions. It employs our rigorously-tested AQ database of over 6,000 chemical species, equilibrium equations, and interaction parameters. This engine calculates concentrations and activities of ions and neutral components by way of the Bromley-Zematis activity equation. It also calculates species transport properties, including viscosity, diffusivity, and electrical conductivity. These properties enable calculation of mass-transfer effects such as the limiting current density.

Electrochemical module

The crux of the electrochemical module lies in the reduction/oxidation surface half-reaction simulations for elements, alloy components, and aqueous species. Its fraction surface coverage model generates the active-to-passive transition, whereby under the active state, we expect the metallurgy to corrode, and under the passive state, a protective film prevents corrosion. Users gain insight into each species’ limiting current density, which reflects the effects of mass transfer on electrochemical potential.

Repassivation module

In addition to the general corrosion that is predicted by the electrochemical module, users can anticipate localized corrosion in the form of pitting or crevice corrosion. This is calculated based on the system’s repassivation potential; at conditions where the repassivation potential is less than the corrosion potential, pitting or crevice corrosion is predicted to occur. Pit formation may also lead to the initiation of stress-corrosion cracking.


OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer features a number of capabilities to calculate corrosion by quantifying the bulk chemistry, transport phenomena and surface reactions.

Automatic inclusion of redox

Half-reactions for elements, alloy components and solution species are automatically included in a corrosion calculation.

Kinetic parameters of corrosion

Electrochemical parameters, including Tafel slope and intrinsic exchange current density, calibrated against literature data.

Transport properties

Rigorous transport property prediction, including diffusion, electrical conductivity, and viscosity, all of
which are needed for predicting corrosion.

Real-solution calculations

Non-ideal activity coefficient predictions for complex, high ionic strength systems results in more
realistic stability diagrams

Supported alloys

• Iron and carbon steel
• Nickel-based alloys: 22, 276, 600, 625, 690, 825, 28, 29, 2535, 2550
• Duplex alloys: 2205, 2507
• Stainless steels: 13Cr, S13Cr, S15Cr, S17Cr, 304, 316, 254SMO
• Copper-nickel alloys: CuNi9010, CuNi7030
• Aluminum, nickel, copper

Corrosion cacluations

Corrosion behavior and heat treatment effects

Gain a comprehensive understanding of corrosion behavior and the effects of heat treatment, enabling the development of effective mitigation strategies for various materials and applications.

Pourbaix Diagrams for corrosion analysis: Mapping redox thermodynamics

Pourbaix diagrams are an essential tool for analyzing the behavior of elements in different environments. These diagrams, plotting potential (E) against pH values, provide valuable insights into stable and metastable corrosion products, redox couples, and species activity.

OLI Studio Corrosion Analyzer enable users to evaluate the effects of temperature, pressure, and composition on redox thermodynamics, facilitating the analysis of materials like carbon steels, stainless steels, Ni-base alloys, and Cu-Ni alloys. By leveraging Pourbaix diagrams, engineers and researchers can make informed decisions to enhance durability and prevent corrosion in diverse industrial applications.

Stability Diagrams: Exploring redox and speciation behavior

Potential (E) vs. species diagrams provide valuable insights into the redox and speciation behavior of target elements or alloys. Depicting the relationship between the potential (E) and the concentration of a species, which impacts the chemical behavior of the element. By utilizing species concentration as the independent variable, users can understand the stability of different redox states and the formation of chemical species. Illustrating how changes in species concentration influence the redox behavior of the element.

Critical concentration ranges can be identified, revealing stable and metastable redox states. The diagrams support the analysis of the speciation behavior of elements in the presence of varying species concentrations, providing insights into the formation of chemical species and complexes.

Defining general corrosion rates in aqueous solutions

Determining the rate of general corrosion and corrosion potential in aqueous solutions is vital for a diverse range of materials. This involves calculating the corrosion rate by measuring mass loss or material degradation over time. Additionally, evaluating the corrosion potential provides insights into a material’s susceptibility to corrosion reactions. These assessments cover a broad spectrum of materials used in various industries, aiding in the selection of corrosion-resistant options and ensuring long-lasting performance in aqueous environments.

By accurately calculating the rate of general corrosion and determining the corrosion potential, users can identify materials’ susceptibility to corrosion and devise appropriate mitigation strategies. This knowledge helps in selecting corrosion-resistant materials, optimizing designs and ensuring the longevity and reliability of structures and components in contact with aqueous solutions.

Polarization plots: Visualizing corrosion mechanisms and current density

Understanding the mixed potential and corrosion current density is crucial in evaluating corrosion. Polarization plots reveal the equilibrium between anodic and cathodic reactions, representing the overall corrosion tendency.

By examining critical points on the plots, users can pinpoint where these reactions occur and determine the associated corrosion current density. This knowledge assists in identifying potential areas of concern and reaching informed decisions to mitigate corrosion. Polarization plots serve as powerful tools for comprehending corrosion mechanisms and informing strategies for corrosion prevention and control.

Localized corrosion: Assessing susceptibility and propagation rate

To evaluate the susceptibility of an alloy to localized corrosion, a comparison between calculated repassivation and corrosion potentials can be performed. By analyzing these potentials, users can predict whether the alloy is prone to localized corrosion.

Calculating the maximum propagation rate provides insights into the potential rate at which localized corrosion can spread. By comparing the repassivation and corrosion potentials, users can determine the alloy’s ability to recover and resist further corrosion. If the repassivation potential is close to or exceeds the corrosion potential, it suggests a higher resistance to localized corrosion. This information is essential for assessing the severity and potential impact of localized corrosion on the alloy.

Heat treatment effects: Assessing grain boundary depletion and corrosion susceptibility

Heat treatment of stainless steels and nickle-base alloys can lead to significant effects on the composition and properties of these materials. One crucial aspect is the depletion of elements such as chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W) in grain boundaries. Predicting this depletion enables the evaluation of intergranular corrosion susceptibility and the impact of heat treatment on localized corrosion.

By predicting the depletion of Cr, Mo, and W in grain boundaries because of heat treatment, users can assess intergranular corrosion susceptibility and the impact of heat treatment on localized corrosion. This knowledge is essential for optimizing heat treatment processes, selecting appropriate alloys, and implementing corrosion prevention strategies to enhance the durability and performance of stainless steels and Ni-base alloys in various applications.

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